Sunday, April 20, 2014

Nerium International launches Optimera Product in Canada April 21st!

Hold On To Your Seats Canada! Nerium International is Launching the Business Opportunity in Canada April 21st!!!


I am super pumped! Nerium International is launching the business opportunity beginning April 21st in Ontario and Vancouver!!! All provinces will be able to opt in by June!!! If you know someone from Canada, send them this information!!!

So, you are asking, "What is Nerium International?"
NeriumAD is a biotech skincare product that was accidentally discovered during skin cancer research at the prestigious hospital MD Anderson at the University of Texas. One of the side effects of the treatment the patients received was they began to look younger!!

CLICK HERE to read research conducted by Nerium Biotechology 

This company is only 2 1/2 years old. During their first year, with only ONE product, Nerium International made more than Google, Victoria Secret, or Microsoft!!! This company is on the ground floor and you don't want to miss out!! 
 Nerium’s achievements include:
• Being the youngest company to ever make the Global 100 List from Direct Selling News.
• Having one of the most successful product launches in history, hitting $100 million in sales in first full year of business.
• Being awarded the Bravo Award for Growth from Direct Selling News.
• Being the youngest company ever featured in Success from Home magazine, and being
featured three times within three years.

To learn more about the Nerium opportunity CLICK HERE 


Pre-launch is only $10!!! Contact me at 615-542-6403 for more information!! Get in on this ground floor opportunity that can be YOUR Microsoft Moment!!!

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