Sunday, April 20, 2014

Nerium International launches Optimera Product in Canada April 21st!

Hold On To Your Seats Canada! Nerium International is Launching the Business Opportunity in Canada April 21st!!!


I am super pumped! Nerium International is launching the business opportunity beginning April 21st in Ontario and Vancouver!!! All provinces will be able to opt in by June!!! If you know someone from Canada, send them this information!!!

So, you are asking, "What is Nerium International?"
NeriumAD is a biotech skincare product that was accidentally discovered during skin cancer research at the prestigious hospital MD Anderson at the University of Texas. One of the side effects of the treatment the patients received was they began to look younger!!

CLICK HERE to read research conducted by Nerium Biotechology 

This company is only 2 1/2 years old. During their first year, with only ONE product, Nerium International made more than Google, Victoria Secret, or Microsoft!!! This company is on the ground floor and you don't want to miss out!! 
 Nerium’s achievements include:
• Being the youngest company to ever make the Global 100 List from Direct Selling News.
• Having one of the most successful product launches in history, hitting $100 million in sales in first full year of business.
• Being awarded the Bravo Award for Growth from Direct Selling News.
• Being the youngest company ever featured in Success from Home magazine, and being
featured three times within three years.

To learn more about the Nerium opportunity CLICK HERE 


Pre-launch is only $10!!! Contact me at 615-542-6403 for more information!! Get in on this ground floor opportunity that can be YOUR Microsoft Moment!!!

Friday, April 18, 2014

This is Your "Microsoft" Moment! Don't Let it Slip Away

Almost 3 years ago Nerium International launched it's premier product NeriumAD night treatment. Success leaves clues!!!  Did you know that in their first year NeriumAd made $100,000,000? This is more than Microsoft, Victoria Secret, or Google made in their first year! This past year they made $300,000,000 and by the end of 2014 they will reach $1 Billion!!!They have grown faster than any other direct marketing company in history! This should be a clue folks!


Learn about NeriumAD




Learn more about Nerium's Financial Opportunity 



5 Benefits of Being Your Own Boss with Nerium International

1. No micro-management
Shun being flanked with multiple memos and redundant emails from a myriad of superiors. Shirk incessant updates, reminders and phone calls regarding the same topic. Random inquiries about “your progress” are an added stressor in any work environment; with Nerium International, micro-management will be a thing of the past.

2. Cubicle schmubicle.
Feeling boxed in at your current job? Perhaps it’s because many of us are boxed in… literally. There’s no reason to spend the majority of your life confined to a small, uninspiring space. As a Brand Partner with Nerium International, your office is wherever you decide. Work from your living room, your favorite coffee shop, the patio of a restaurant, or even your back porch. Attend events, interact with your Nerium family, but whatever you do, don’t settle for being smothered by a workspace sized in a way that would be more suitable as a coat closet. With Nerium International, you’re the boss and you create your own atmosphere.

3. Never again feel like you are dispensable
Becoming your own boss means you don’t have to worry about layoffs and cutbacks. After the past few years, wouldn’t it be nice to take that off your list of concerns?

4. Long lunch? No problem.
When you work for yourself, you set your own hours. You can take a long lunch or indulge in a movie marathon at 8:00 pm, because the only person you have to answer to is yourself. Work extra-long days Monday through Thursday and take a long weekend – without asking anyone’s permission. You are in charge of your schedule when you are your own boss.

5. Salary caps are a non-issue.
When you own your own business, your income is entirely in your hands. Never again will you wonder when that much talked about pay raise is actually going to arrive. False promises of more money or better benefits are a non-issue when you work for yourself. Not to mention, you’ll never again wonder if the lack of increase in salary is due to the nature of your performance, or if the promise of such is just a tactic to keep you from leaving the company. Nobody has time for that kind of second-guessing, and nobody deserves that kind of headache.

Working for yourself is a huge decision and it isn’t for everyone, but considering a career with Nerium International just may be the solution to your dissatisfaction with your current employment situation. Consider teaming up with Nerium International and becoming your own boss. Once you discover that the Nerium Experience is truly a flexible, rewarding way to live, you might even want to send someone a memo about it.

Aestheticians Approve NeriumAD

Contact me at 615-542-6403 for more information!